Captivate Your Audience.
Be Memorable.
Tell Your Story.

When Creating a Company Video, Be Yourself

A great story is one that is genuine, honest and unscripted.  

There are several types of videos a company can create for their digital arsenal of assets. Company videos can include complete product lines, manufacturing processes, individual products, services, category, industry, segment or market based, culture, employment, sales and promotions, total capabilities to history and what they’re all about.

Video is now. It’s not the future. People want content. They don’t want to read, they want to watch. Gone are the days of digesting words on a page, they want to see, hear and be engaged with an emotional connection.

This is where we’re supposed to tell you to call us for a great video, but instead, we’re going to give you some insights to DIY production.

Keep in mind video and sound quality, editing, animations such as titles and callouts coupled with branded beginnings and endings married with a sound track can elevate the audience’s connection.

Use our checklist and give it your best shot. If you decide you’d like a professionally produced video that fits your brand’s experience, use the button below to start a new project.


  • Video and Audio Equipment

    • iPhone 12 ProMax
    • Noise Cancelling Microphone
    • Professional Equipment
  • Lighting – Adjust To Fit

  • Music Track Fitting For the Mood of the Content Discussed
  • Editing Software
  • Script

    • Write For Natural Projection
    • Determine Objectives
    • Identify Plot
    • Consistent Messaging
    • Keep It Relateable
  • Create a shot/scene list
  • Incorporate Non-Interview Style Frames
  • Choose a Native Environment For The Topic