Drive More Traffic to Your Website with Paid Advertising
What is paid advertising? Paid advertising is like placing an ad in a magazine or newspaper, even a billboard, except digital. If done right, it’s better, more targeted. You aren’t relying on someone to subscribe, open and read the magazine or newspaper or worry about placement of your ad within them. Used to be the concern was placement in print options. Buried in the back or left, right-hand placement. Billboards rely on traffic for effectiveness. If someone isn’t driving by it, you missed it. And, did they even look or notice?
Digital ads are targeted by keywords, searches, audience. It can get nitty gritty or just blanket. Sounds great right? And it is, if done right. Digital ads can be expensive, and you can lose money if it isn’t done right. So, how do you do it right and find the balance for your budget and exposure? Create a plan and a budget.